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First there was the goat. The sun went down, then the cheese became night. The day has brightened. Homer had not finished his epic yet when the sun came to Kaz Mountains by walking from the Caucasus Mountains. When the Turkmen girl Sarıkız filled her skirt with the salty water of the sea and hurled it, a crane took off from the rocks to Horasan. The mystical history of cheese and the mythology of distant and long Anatolia are intertwined in these lands. Humanity, which is not tired of chasing the question of how and why; The reason why he is in a deep silence when it comes to Anatolia is because the boundaries of 'reality' and myth are mixed here.
According to the dominant situation in the historical narrative, who did what and where first changes according to the era in which it is read, rather than the writing. The efforts of societies to increase their culture-creation resources take on a different dimension when it comes to agriculture and food. On the basis of this endless desire and struggle, there are efforts to create history for themselves. So much so that societies gain historical depth on the smallest archaeological 'knowledge'.
We also encounter the phenomenon in question in the historical journey of cheese. The journey of cheese, which is narrated from the Arabs to the Scythians and from there to the classical Greeks, dates back to BC. The history of cheese, which dates back to the 4000s, begins with the discovery of the means of production. When we look at the total of historical sources, the following table emerges:
Cheese is definitely a nomatic product. It is nomatic because it is the result of the nomadic communities' needs to process, transport, and store milk. It is a natural inference that settled communities do not have such concerns. In the question of who discovered the cheese first; Scythians appear. Scythians (-Sakas), one of the Central Asian communities; It is a nomadic people who lived in the regions including the Crimea - Pontic Steppes and the Tian Shan (Fergana Valley). Throughout their history, they controlled the Silk Road while keeping livestock on these fertile lands, and by interacting with other peoples, they ensured the distribution of cheese throughout the world. In addition, in Kutadgu Bilig written by Yusuf Has Hacib in the 11th century, the word is Kurut; It is explained as dried yoghurt, cheese and cottage cheese.
The obligation to store milk was seen more recently in European monasteries and gave rise to today's European cheese variety. The difficult conditions of the monasteries forced the monks to be creative in processing milk. In a sense, they owe the dominance of European cheeses in world markets to 'credo quia absurdum'.
The sources of our love for cheese originate from our deep mythological past. In order to enjoy Ezine cheese, first of all, it is necessary to understand Ida (Kaz Mountains) with a thousand springs. This geography, which is the land of the Iliad, has been one of the most important cultural layers of humanity since Homer. Kaz Mountains, where passers-by always set their sights on, leave something for themselves and buy something on their way, are the intersection point of both climate zones. Ida Mountains is one of the most important plant reserve areas in the world, with approximately 900 plant species, 32 of which are endemic. I think this example will suffice to explain Kaz Mountains, which is a phenomenon on its own. Sarıkız Stream (Sideritis trojana), named after Troy, grows only in an area of fifty square meters and the species is endangered. When you eat Ezine Cheese, which is made from the milk of goats, sheep and cows that grow and graze on these mountains, which fertile the plains on its foothills; You will embark on a historical journey with the taste it leaves on your palate. Yellow Maiden's Tea (Sideritis Trojana Ehrend), Yoghurt Grass (Galium Moilugo), Wild Garlic (Allium Kurtzianum), Goats and sheep wandering among the Çakşir Grass should be noted alongside their milk.
Geographical Indication Journey of Ezine Cheese
Ezine Cheese, whose application was made on February 24, 2006, with the initiative of the Association for the Protection, Development and Promotion of Ezine Cheese and Dairy Farmers: On April 10, 2007, our geographical indication no. 86 was registered by the Turkish Trademark Patent Institute. geographical boundaries; Ezine, Bayramiç, Ayvacık districts in Çanakkale, Şerbetli, Etili, Ahlatlıburun, Küçüklü, Alibeyköy and Söğütalan villages in Çan district and Karacaören, Kurşunlu, Şerbetli and Kirazlı villages in Merkez district.
Ezine Cheese as a Geographical Indication Product
Ezine Cheese, according to the season of the milk obtained from sheep, goats and cows fed with natural endemic vegetation, climate and water resources located in the geographical border covering the production area; It is a full-fat tin-type cheese produced by mixing 35-45 percent sheep's milk, minimum 40 percent goat's milk, and maximum 25 percent cow's milk.
Ezine Cheese production is made from sheep, goat and cow milk obtained during the season that starts from March and continues until the end of August.
The region where Ezine Cheese is produced is affected by the Kaz Mountains both in terms of vegetation and climate. Mount Ida provides the region with rich vegetation and plenty of oxygen, along with abundant precipitation. Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), hairy mint (Mentha longifolia L.), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) There are hundreds of fragrant plants. Plants eaten by animals give milk flavor and aroma.
The milk used in the production of Ezine Cheese is obtained from Tahirova, Chios, Dağlıç and Chios+Dağlıç cross breed sheep, Holstein breed culture cows and Karakeçi (kilkeçisi) and Turkish Saanen breed goats.
Ezine Cheese is white to light yellow in color and has a medium hard, non-brittle structure. There are few and small pores in the cheese mass. Ezine Cheese has a "creamy" flavor originating from the milk fat in the composition of the milk and a "cooked milk" flavor resulting from the heat treatment applied. The taste and aroma properties of sheep, goat and cow milk used in its production are also transferred to the product and affect the taste and aroma of cheese. In addition, as a result of the direct effect of protein, fat and milk sugar in the composition of milk or enzymatic, chemical and microbial reactions, "salty", "sour" and "sweet" flavors, which are the characteristic and basic taste characteristics of the product, are formed.
Salt obtained from the sea is used in the production of Ezine Cheese. The use of sea salt prevents the cheese from melting and dispersing, allowing it to easily release its water as a result of ripening. Only natural şirden yeast is used in Ezine Cheese. No food additives are used in Ezine Cheese, except for the mixture of sheep, goat and cow's milk, natural şirdan yeast and sea salt.
Chemical properties of Ezine Cheese
Chemical Properties
Fat content in dry matter (%)
Dry matter (%)
Dry matter Salt(%)
Titration acidity (% Lactic acid)
Production Method:
Characteristics of the milk used: According to the season, sheep, goat and cow milk collected within the geographical boundaries of Ezine Cheese; Sheep's milk is used by mixing 35-45 percent, goat's milk at least 40 percent, and cow's milk at maximum 25 percent. The milk used in the production of Ezine Cheese does not contain antibiotics and substances that prevent/neutralize the acidity development of milk, and no processes such as degreasing or adding water are applied to change the composition of the milk. Milk is delivered to the enterprise without changing its natural composition, milk with high microbiological and hygienic quality is used in cheese production.
Preparation of yeast: The yeast to be used is obtained from the şirden (pendant or Kırkbayır) of ruminant calves (preferably calves) who are at the age of suckling. In order for the yeast to be used throughout the year, the well-salted crops are beaten, brought to the consistency of flour, stored in bottles, and used when necessary by dissolving them in warm water and adding them to milk.
Properties of the salt used: Processed sea salt defined in the Turkish Food Codex Salt Communiqué is used in the production of Ezine Cheese. The salt used is purified from foreign substances. Drinking water is used when making brine.
Production of Ezine Cheese: Production of Ezine Cheese starts in March, which is the production period of sheep and goat milk. After the milk to be processed is pasteurized at 67oC for 30 minutes, it is fermented at 32-34oC with the enzyme sherden to ensure the formation of clots. Milk is fermented in boats with a capacity of 1500 liters. According to the yeast test in 1500 liters of milk, 120 to 170 g of yeast is used. No culture is used in the production of Ezine Cheese. After the clot mass formed is cut off, it is left on its own for about 30 minutes in order to separate the whey. Then, pressure is applied using a press cloth in order to speed up the filtering process. At this stage, the clot also fuses with each other and the formation of curd is provided. After the formed curd is cut into molds, it is kept in brine prepared using 14-16 Bome sea salt in order to gain the desired taste and aroma. The cheese molds taken out of the brine are arranged in a single row in the tins, sprinkled with dry salt and left to rest for 10-12 hours. As a result of this process, the separated water is removed from the environment, cheese is lined up until the cans are full, brine is added on it, and the cans are closed and soldered in an airtight manner. In order for the cheese to gain the desired characteristic taste and aroma, cheese tins are matured for at least 8 months in cold storage at 2-4oC. The ripening process of Ezine cheese is done visually by opening the tins. This process continues by opening and closing the sample cans until the cheese completes the ripening period. The ripening time of Ezine Cheese is definitely included in the label information as months.
Ezine Cheese and Marketing Communications
Anatolia, a cheese geography, still stands in the middle of the world with its cultural layers and the shyness of the silk cover pulled over it. The priority of our strategic steps required to bring our cheese, which is one of the main axis of our culinary culture, to the world markets, with our 193 registered cheese varieties is one of the biggest facts in front of us. When we reduce this phenomenon to Ezine Cheese, there are control problems besides our communication strategies. Along with the problems arising from production and the preservation of its geography, Ezine Cheese also has the problem of creating a strategic discourse. From the restructuring of the visual communication language, which is one of the main starting points of brand communication; Ezine Cheese will gain a new spirit when the necessity of supporting this with verbal communication language is overcome.
At this point, it is useful to look at the world cheese market and its data. Germany, the Netherlands and France control the world export market of approximately 30 billion dollars (2.7 million tons). In our country, which cannot enter the rankings in cheese exports, we export 49 thousand tons (2020) although the annual production is 774 thousand tons (2020). Strategic markets, on the other hand, should be the USA and Canada, aside from the EU, where cheese consumption per capita is high. In today's marketing world, where the geographically indicated cheese market is expanding, a strategic communication document is needed for Ezine Cheese to provide market depth in its segment. It is clear that Turkish cheese brands, which take advantage of the Far and South Asian markets, which we have just started to meet, will deepen on the shelves.
Brand Consultant
General Secretary of the Geographical Indications Association
15 February 2022 Akpınar-Ankara
1- Ezine Cheese Registration Certificate
2- Status Forecast Report Milk and Dairy Products 2021 TEPGE
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